share your thoughts with us!

The National Day of Racial Healing is held the Tuesday after Martin Luther King Jr. Day on January 21, 2025. This day centers on experiences rooted in truth-telling and bringing people together to take collective action for a more just and equitable world. We invite you to review the questions below and comment on one (or more) of your choosing.

want to leave comments via the phone?

Use the number below to speak with someone or leave a message with our Race & Equity team.

Phone 919-913-3182
Flags at Town Hall

does racial or ethnic identity enter in your process of making important or daily decisions?

Does this impact your personal or professional life? If so, how? have you ever felt “different” in a group setting because of your race/ ethnicity? How did this affect you?
Race & Equity Commission Meeting

how often/deeply do you interact with people of a different racial/ethnic identity other than your own?

What is the nature of these relationships and interactions?
View of Weaver Street during the Latin American Festival

have you ever witnessed someone being treated unfairly or experienced yourself because of their racial or ethnic identity?

If so, how did you respond? How did it make you feel? What would you do differently today?
Black Lives Matter